Guitar Soloing 6-Week Challenge makes you:
Play solos and sound like a professional even if you know just ONE scale!
After just 6 weeks of training for 2h on a Saturday.
Sounds too much? Well… Those two hours will fly by in a blink of an eye, so that afterwards you will wish we would go longer!
Thanks to my NEW freshly developed, proven to work, training cycles I can promise you it will not get boring.
And if you’re just getting started, CLICK HERE and get up to speed
Failed your new year’s resolution? NO PROBLEM. Catch up or get a headstart for next year with:

The Only Guitar Soloing Training Course With A RESULT GUARANTEE
After this 6-week-challenge you will:
Play silky smooth solos in any key and in any situation, give a new paint job to your same old licks and phrases, so that you will enjoy playing them again and how to play new, catchy licks on the spot.
The best part of all this:
You can have fun with this even if you know just ONE scale shape!
You don’t need more scales, but you MUST learn how to make them SOUND GOOD.
If you know more scales, even better.
Don’t believe me? I prove it to you right here:
This is an UNCUT video of my student Joona playing a 4 minute solo, using only the FIRST SHAPE of the pentatonic scale. That one right here:

This is all “First Pentatonic Box”, but Joona is MILKING EVERY LAST DROP.
If you want to do the same, join the 6-week challenge now.
There are only 6 spots this time!
Why only 6 spots??
I rather focus on bringing results to a few fast deciders, than to try to serve the slow masses.
Also it’s not cheap. (197,-) But the results will be with you for a lifetime. Because you pick up a new way of thinking about guitar soloing along the way…
…That will help you with EVERYTHING YOU WILL EVER PLAY.
Because that is what I do. I don’t *show* you a bunch of flashy licks that you forget 1 year after the challenge ended.
I build and install real skills and abilities into your fingers.
If I don’t, I will train you personally, until you can play like I promise here.
For. Free.
If you know THIS scale (or quickly learn it) you can join me for this 6-week guitar soloing challenge

All it takes for YOU is to join 6x for 2h on a Saturday in October to December from klo 12.00-14.00, DO EXACTLY WHAT I SAY and repeat what we do a little bit at home.
Summed up, here is what you get:
- The top insights into guitar soloing and actionable practicing methods that can guide you for a lifetime, so that whenever you learn something new, you can jump right into the fun
- How to instantly find the best position on the fretboard to start playing your solos
- How to make your old, dusty licks shine like fresh from the factory
- Simple, instantly applicable ways to tell stories with your solos and take your listeners on a journey, so that they stay hooked on listening to you
- Hit and miss? No more “wrong” notes!
- Have tons of FUN and at least one big grin from ear to ear per hour during and after the trainings!
If you want to do all of that by the end of the year and never look back to your old struggles and frustrations…
Get on the first-access list NOW:
As soon as the sign up is open, I will notify you so that you can claim your spot.
If you want in, you can already make room in your calendar on every Saturday between the 21.10.2023 and 25.11.2023 between 12.00 and 14.00 on the clock.
Free video training course ONLY FOR YOU so that you can prepare in which I show you the basics of everything we will train together.
Less time spent on explaining DURING the training = More time for TRAINING = more results and abilities.
The course is 4 short videos, so you will easily get through them in time.
Good luck! Hope to see you!