Suomen ensimmäinen Kitaristi Treeni Klubi

Congratulations! You will become a Shred Machine on guitar!

Make sure to get to the schedule and select the weeks that you want to participate!

Do you also want to learn how to write songs THIS SUMMER?

Get this upgrade and you will shoot through the roof in yet another area of your guitar playing!

Here it is in a nutshell:

From beginning of June until the end of August… HOLD ON!

Don’t worry, times will be flexible, you don’t have to sacrifice your vacation!

…we will spend some time together each week, 2 hours to be precise, during which I give you a head-first dive into the most common pitfalls that songwriters even at a professional level fall into, AND how to never have to worry about it.

It’s exactly this trap, that prevents musicians from turning their ideas into finished pieces of music.

Commonly known as “Writer’s Block”.

Yes, there is a cure for it and it is simple… but not easy.

However, I know that if you follow what I want to show you, you will get the hang of it.

And you will be very glad you don’t have to live without this knowledge in your life ever again.

(Yes, it’s one of those things)

I also give you a bulletproof 4 step songwriting process that you just need to follow and never have problems to get caught in the spiderweb of unfinished ideas. The best part…

You can use this for the rest of your life.

Again and again.

You don’t even need to know a lot to apply this.

Really basic music theory is more than enough to get started.

And I will make sure, that you get it.

Look at it like a manual on how to build houses and create your own blueprints.

In the beginning you may have just 2 or 3 different tools and you can build only small huts.

But you still get into it with a proper plan, because you learned how to create a blueprint using the available tools only.

Over time the tools you learn (music theory and technical skills) improve and you learn how to build bigger and better houses with better blueprints.

I will proof to you that it is not that hard right now

All you need is these 6 chords:

C, D minor, E minor, F, G and A minor.

Now take a piece of paper and write down:


and next to it place chords from the 6 chords above.

For example:

C Em Am G

NOW (not before this point) play them.

Sounded quite alright, didn’t it?

I know I know, not THE greatest song in the world, but good enough for a tribute 😉

And THAT is what this is all about.

Writing a DECENT song, fleshing it out, getting it DONE, so that you can officially say:

"I am a certified songwriter"

Certificate songwriting project

As a free bonus I will send you 3 proven strategies that will make you write more and better songs immediately.

You want to hear what other people had to say about the Songwriting Project? Watch these two videos from start to finish!

And if you stick with it, I will make it happen with you together that your song will end up on my own KitaristiFi Radio Station:


Yes! Just fill this out and you WILL make this reality!

Sessions will be held on Wednesday evenings starting at 19.00 o’clock.

(If you want to pay with a payment plan, talk to me directly. You can use the chat function for example)

Songwriting Project Upgrade

As a free bonus I will send you 3 proven strategies that will make you write more and better songs immediately.

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