Kitaratunnit ovat tylsiä. Kitaratreeni on hauskaa!

Suomen ensimmäinen Kitaristi Treeni Klubi

Congratulations! You're in!

You will officially be a part of this year’s KitaristiFi Songwriting Project!

All you need to do to be successful here is:

Show up and follow the instructions and have fun playing around with all the new ideas I will show you.

If you do that, I have 100 % confidence, you will have a full song written and recorded at the end of it!

Do you also want to become a much faster guitar player AND make guitar playing feel and BE much easier THIS SUMMER?

Get this upgrade and you will shoot through the roof in yet another area of your guitar playing!

You can read all about it here (opens in new window, DON’T CLOSE THIS WINDOW if you want this add-on)

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